For when you just cant let the babbers code on their own.
MollyCoddle is a directory and file linting solution for source control projects designed to check the structure of the source repository rather than the code itself. It is NOT a code linting solution there are plenty of those out there already.
Mollycoddle Quick Start Guide.
Getting started with Mollycoddle
Mollycoddle needs three things to run:
- The mollycoddle executable.
- A source code structure to execute against.
- A set of rules to execute.
Using Mollycoddle from the command line.
Execute MollyCoddle from the command line, passing a parameter of the path to scan and a -masterRoot parameter for using master files.
mollycoddle.exe <RootOfRepository> [-masterRoot=<PathToMasterFileS>] [-rulesfile="<PathToMollyRulesFile"] [-Disabled]
RootOfRepository - this should be the root where the repository is located to scan.
PathToMasterFiles - If you are using rules that compare files against their master files then this should be the path to where the master. versions of the files live.
RulesFile - This is the set of rules that you want Mollycoddle to execute
Disabled - If this is specified MollyCoddle does nothing and returns success
Output - Specify output type - Default writes to std out, AZDO writes pipeline formatted strings to std out
For the full command line options see this link - MollyCoddle Command Line
❯ .\mollycoddle.exe C:\Files\Code\git\mollycoddle -masterRoot=C:\Files\Code\git\mollycoddle\src\_Dependencies\TestMasterPath\
When mollycoddle executes violations will be returned to standard output. The number of violations will be returned as the exit code for using in automations and scripts.
❯ .\mollycoddle.exe C:\Files\Code\git\mollycoddle -masterRoot=C:\Files\Code\git\mollycoddle\src\_Dependencies\TestMasterPath\
Violation M-0004 (c:\files\code\git\mollycoddle\.gitignore does not match master.)
Total Violations 1
Using Mollycoddle in Nuke.
Nuke is a build tool for .net - to use Mollycoddle in nuke see this guide.
MollyCoddle Rules
You can create your own rules but the default set are referenced here MollyCoddle Rules
Creating Your Own Rules
Mollycoddle reads rules from different file types - to find out about sets and molly rules the documentation is here MollyCoddle Rules Files